Paolo Cirio

Street Ghosts

12 October 15 December 2019

Between photography and street art, Paolo Cirio’s installation challenges local residents on the notions of image rights, public space and privacy law in the digital age, and, more precisely, in the context of the shots taken by Google Street View ®.

With the participation of the pupils of the 4th 3rd of the College Carnot (Lille – FR) :

Ahmad Al Osta Halabi, Célia Amalou, Sarah Bertrand, Lola Calmettes, Guilhem Camiade, Mathis Caulfield, Chayma Charchaoui, Mfahereba Dabo, Martin Doutremer, Haden Fethi-Henriquez, Wilson Forche, Zélie Gakosso, Thomas Glorieus, Sophie Grassart, Virgile Landrieu, Thalia Landuyt, Lilia Lepine Lhoussaine, Diégo Lipier Liza, Jennifer Ly, Aileen Markgraf, Dorcas Okana Bongo, Flavie Pipier, Elie Sender, Samuel Sotome, Lili Vanmunster, Augustin Vlandas, Ines Yatta, Manel Yazag. 

And their teacher : Guillaume Moinet