Say Cheeeese!

25 26 May 2024
An entire weekend dedicated to photography
Église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine

On May 25 and 26, 2024, the Institut pour la photographie welcomes you to celebrate spring at Sainte-Marie-Madeleine church in Lille.
Spend a weekend discovering the work of 20 photographers, buying photo equipment, curling up in a sound cocoon or having your portrait taken!



Saturday, May 25, 2024

10 am → 6 pm

openfolio #4open portfolio readings
Following a call for applications, 20 professional and amateur photographers from the Euroregion have been selected to take part in openfolio #4, two days of portfolio readings. Over the weekend, each participant will present his or her projects to the public, including a 20-minute meeting with a panel of international photography experts convened for the occasion.

10 am → 2 pm

photo contest
Come and take a photo of the church nicknamed the “Grosse Madeleine”! Armed with your camera or phone, take your best shots of the church and share them before 2pm on Instagram by tagging @institutphoto and adding the hashtag #saycheeeeese. The lucky winners will receive photo books published by the Institut, a free subscription to La Clique and goodies!

11 am → 12 pm

children’s workshop (from age 4)
A playful introduction to the sensitive reading of photographic images for children and adults alike!

2:30 pm → 5 pm

afghan box’s workshop – with the Labo 148
Come and have your portrait! Traditionally used by street photographers to take passport photos for their clients, the afghan box is a light-tight wooden box that combines camera and darkroom. As a counterpoint to the ultra-modernity of digital photography, the Institut pour la photographie invites you to experience photography in a different way!

3 pm & 5 pm

sound naps – electronic cocoons
The electronic cocoons is a concert that envelops you in a bath of sound. It’s a journey that invites you to relax and explore your inner worlds. The sound material is shaped live by a modular synthesizer and cello, on a 360° audio system. Sit back and relax!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

10 am → 6 pm

brocante photo
L’Institut et le Club Niépce Lumière sont heureux de s’associer pour une nouvelle brocante photo. Une quinzaine d’exposants proposeront à la vente des appareils photos, des pellicules, du matériel argentique vintage et neuf…

openfolio #4 – open portfolio readings

2:30 pm → 5 pm

afghan box’s workshopwith the Labo 148

3 pm & 5 pm

sound naps – electronic cocoons